Change value via UI of entity attribute

I’ve used an Integration which I’ve configured via the UI.

However, I’d like to present to the HA user the ability to change the value of one of the integrations entity’s attributes.
When I add the Entity card there is no way for the end user to change it’s value.

How would I achieve this please?

The attribute is a number of hours if that has any bearing on it.

You can use input helpers for this.
“Normal” entities are only set by HA itself.

I’m trying to change the value of an existing entity’s attribute.
I tried creating an Input via Helper previously but that’s just a standalone entity and doesn’t relate to the one within the integration’s entity. I was looking at adding an automation to trigger when the Helper Input changed and to then set the integration entity attribute but this felt completely over the top.

What’s your use case? Why do you need an entity that both reports actual device values and can be set to arbitrary values by users?

I may get the terminology wrong as new to HA so apologies in advance.

I installed an integration which looks at cheap rate electricity and choses a number of 30 minutes slots which are the cheapest.
When I configure this target sensor(?) via the Integrations’s UI I can set the number of hours I require.

However, I’d like the user of HA to be able to change this without going into the lower level configuration of the target. The number of hours is held as sensor attribute in yaml so I’m thinking that if I can facilitate changing that via UI it’ll adjust the number of time slots chosen.

The actual solution for this would be for the author of the integration to add a “service” that would allow to change that number.

Just changing the value (you could do that with HA rest API) won’t do anything, because the integration does not expect that value to change after HA’s startup.

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Ok thanks, I hadn’t yet acquired any knowledge of how the underlying guts of HA work in that regard.