Change Wireless Network for the voice assistant

The only 2.4Ghz wireless I have is my IoT network - and it’s a physically separate network with no internet access (too many devices are annoyingly chatty). Home assistant has a physical ethernet connection to the back of the router, but does not route traffic. However, this works pretty well as updates come through HA to the devices without the devices connecting outbound.

Received my Voice Assistant today :confetti_ball:
It will NOT make it through the directions to install while on my IoT network because it keeps failing out when trying to connect to the internet. :frowning_face:
OK. Fine. Spare Rpi to the rescue. Temporary wifi. Huzzah! Voice Assistant is working w/ all local control and no cloud! Double Huzzah!
But I really don’t want to keep this janky wifi setup… I’ve been looking for a way to change the wifi settings to move back to the IoT network but I’m not finding anything that seems apparent to me.

Outside of a factory reset which requires another setup that wants internet, is there a way to move/update wireless settings on the Voice Assistant?

After being sick - I’m just now revisiting this. For anyone else who wishes - I couldn’t figure out a way to move wireless networks. However, after doing setup on a different wireless network and verifying it worked, I was able to reset the device (remove from HA then hold the button until the red light completes and it tells you wipe is done), then add it to the isolated wireless network.

I did run into one small issue. I hadn’t configured the FQDN for HA on that isolated network and that caused some issues. But the moment I set CNAME for the proper HA FQDN then the voice assistant began working almost immediately.

Things seem to be working on the isolated network so far. We’ll see I suppose how updates work in the future. :man_shrugging: