Changed IP of Home Assistant

I am running Home Assitant on dedicated Debian Server. I though I was being clever in setting up dedicated network for HA. My home network is 10.0.0., I wanted to create a network with 10.0.1. for all HA devices. So is started with changing the IP of Home Assitant - lol. Now I cant log on, at all. If I can just change the IP of HA back to what I had it then I would be super happy.

Thanks for your help -.

Change the address on your router to the same ip range you used for home assistant, log on, then change everything back. will not talk to unless the router supports VLAN. Even then it has to be configured, it’s not a plug and play type setup.

I created the second network using a different router. Main router, second router
While logged onto wireless network I change IP of HA from to I then logged onto wireless network and tried to access from a browser and it hangs on Home Assistant screen and doesnt connect.

Can you see it in the 10.0.1 routers table, does it have that address assigned? Is there a possibility there is a conflict?