Changed WIFI - eWeLink can't find devices + preventing this from happening again

Hello everybody,

I hope this is the correct category for this question, as I wasn’t 100% sure. Anyway, here is my issue:

A couple of weeks ago I changed between internet providers & so did my SSID. “No biggie”, I thought, as I was busy trying to build a custom frontend. I expected my Sonoff Mini’s to have trouble connecting to HA and that this issue would be resolved by updating my SSID configuration. Boy, was I wrong… I forget there was a third party involved… eWeLink.

Apparently… updating WIFI setting in the eWeLink does not automatically reconnect your devices (or at least not my Sonoff Mini’s). I tried putting one into pairing mode, but it just won’t connect…

Has anybody figured out how to resolve this issue? Also: is there a sane reason why eWeLink would make it this hard to just update the wifi connection?

An additional and maybe even more important question: How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

To be more clear: which solutions would make sure that changing internet providers won’t break whole systems? I’m thinking e.g. extra router which would be exclusive to my IoT devices. Is this a complicated process? What are the pitfalls or disadvantages?

I’m also keen on any other information on how to build a future-proof network! I’m a frontend designer & developer & am trying to create a cool app, but would also love to make sure my system stays up & running!

Thank you for time and input!
P.S. very open to other devs & designers who want to work/experiment together :slight_smile:

I don’t use ISP supplied routers any more because they are under-powered rubbish. Instead, I use an old four core AMD motherboard, with a four port Intel NIC, running open source OPNSense router and firewall software. For wifi, I use a good quality access point which can be replaced for failures or wifi upgrade. You will need a switch too if you need more than three local wired connections.
If any of the hardware breaks, replace it, restore the backup config file, and, voila, the system works seamlessly. OPNSense also has numerous plugins, including an anti-virus.
Now, I don’t have any network issues.

Thank you very much for the suggestion.

I’m fairly sure this is exactly what I need, but I don’t have the knowledge/skills to set this up. Any suggestions on what I would need to research (except for OPNSense)? This would be completely new to me!

Thanks in advance!

The problem with changing ISPs is a change of router with a different gateway address and, therefore, different DHCP range. Having your own DIY router solves this and virtually all other problems.

Firstly, get your hardware. A good start would be a used HP 620 Plus or 730, or any small form factor (SFF) multicore with a PCIe slot fot a two or four port Intel network card; both of which can be readily bought, more so in the USA.
It may be easier if you PM me. Happy to help. I can then aggregate the instructions for this or a new thread.

Cool! That would be very kind of you.

I’m going to look into buying an HP 620 or 730. I’ll try setting it up with some good ol’ Youtube tutorials. If that doesn’t work I’ll send you a PM or create a new thread.

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

I had this same issue at my parents house, they dont have a need for home assistant, so just use ewelink for their couple of devices.
i believe the issue is that the sonoff pairs to the bssid or ac address of the router. I guess a security feature, but i couldnt find any way to change it, i had to reset them and start from scratch.
If they had home assistant i would have flashed them with tasmota or esphome so that i have complete control and no reliance on ewellink.

Thanks for the information!

How did you manage to reset them? Haven’t really found any decent documentation except for pressing the button for 5 secs. Should put them in pairing mode, but for some reason, they don’t pop up in eWeLink.

I’ve come across the word “flashing” a lot. Is this a quick change to gain more control over a device or does it take a fair amount of time to master this process?

I’m still fairly new to the smart home scene, trying to figure out the best practices!

I believe I just held the button until a light flashes or went out.
Then re added it in the app.

Flashing is a simple process, depending on the device it may require opening it up and in some cases soldering ( I’ve never needed to).

The first one will take you ages to get your head around and after that it’s a 2 minute process.

You’ll likely need a USB adapter to flash it as well.
Have a look on for more info

What ever you buy, the 730 is newer and more powerful but more expensive, MUST have a PCIe slot to install a network interface card (NIC). Depending on how many connections you need, a two or four Port Intel NIC is also needed.

If you describe your current set-up, I can advise which way you might proceed. I love HA and this forum, but a neglected aspect is the demands placed on the network by multiple wireless devices. Most ISP and many commercial routers just aren’t up to it.