Changes to the cmcitymedia API

Hi all, I’m new to the forum and don’t use Home Assistant, but have been getting some inspiration from Steffen Zimmermann’s (mampfes) HACS waste collection project to understand how to integrate cmcitymedia’s waste collection API into my Homematic/CCU environment.

Some have noticed changes to the API, Newspicel and 5ila5 have made contributions disabling the towns which are not using the documented cmcitymedia API anymore. I’ve been digging around and identified the new (undocumented) API by reverse engineering the website. As example, this returns the future dates for the Biomüll collection:

“287” is the ID for Aschheim, the IDs for other towns should be derived from the individual websites (eg the ID for the Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall seems to by 396), 122721 the ID for Biomüll (at least for Aschheim).

I hope this can inspire others to contribute to the HACS waste collection project to update the currently disabled town’s access to the collection dates.
