Changing background color of skin

It’s probably super simple but how do I implement a background color to my skin? I do know how to change it in the dashboard.css file by editing the body: background section.


It’s in here. Buts toward the top of the variable file.

I believe the documentation only explains how to change the background of a widget. I want to apply a background color only to my skin (preferably, by adding it to the variables file).

are you looking for the background color of the page or of each widget?

I am looking to change the page background. I can do that by editing the dashboard.css file but would prefer to add to the variables file so that in case I decide to share the skin, the background color would follow.

If you want to share the skin the css file would need to be included to provide the widget layout and design as well. I only change the page background using the css file and am unaware of it is capable to do from the variables file

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That makes sense.

Thank you for your help.