Changing class of a template

Hello all,

Complete noob with templates, I would like this template

value_template: “{{
(states(‘sensor.temp_exterieur’) | float(0) < 0) and
(is_state(‘binary_sensor.some_sensor’, ‘on’)
or is_state(‘binary_sensor.some_othersensor’, ‘on’)
or is_state(‘binary_sensor.nspanel_left_button’,‘on’))

to show Open or Closed instead of true or false, tried with changing class with :

device_class: door

but with no sucess, i am unable to find the proper syntax to do like this example I found:

value_template: >-
  {% if value is equalto 'false' %}
  {% else %}Open
  {% endif %}     

Pointers are appreciated!

It’s because you are using the old style of template.

    - name: Garage Doors
      state: >-
        {{ (states(‘sensor.temp_exterieur’) | float(0) < 0) and 
           (is_state(‘binary_sensor.some_sensor’, ‘on’)
           or is_state(‘binary_sensor.some_othersensor’, ‘on’)
           or is_state(‘binary_sensor.nspanel_left_button’,‘on’))
        device_class: door
        unique_id: garage-door-2ea65912-5789-4b7c-b327-b6d89c2fd294

Great thank you!

I had to change the order for it to be recognised but it works perfectly!
Thanks again

    - name: Garage Doors
      device_class: door
      unique_id: garage-door-2ea65912-5789-4b7c-b327-b6d89c2fd294
      state: >-
        {{ (states(‘sensor.temp_exterieur’) | float(0) < 0) and 
           (is_state(‘binary_sensor.some_sensor’, ‘on’)
           or is_state(‘binary_sensor.some_othersensor’, ‘on’)
           or is_state(‘binary_sensor.nspanel_left_button’,‘on’))
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