Changing entity icon disables state color change

I have a few zwave switches that control lights, and to make it look uniform in the Lovelace UI I’ve set the icon on the entities in the glance card.
- entity: switch.balcony_outside_light_switch
name: Balcony
icon: mdi:lightbulb
When I do this however the icon no longer changes color based on the theme.
If I remove the icon entry so that it uses the original icon the color change works.

Is there any way to fix this? I’ve tested this with all themes, including the default.

It seems that if I change the icon of the device under customize: then state change will be reflected in the icon.

Yes that is true. Still, this is most likely an oversite/bug with the lovelace UI. It may get fixed in the future. If you are feeling up to the challenge, you could write a PR to have it fixed.