Changing Frigate (add-on) media location on HASS Supervised add on

I have HASS installed as Supervised on Debian 12.

I have Frigate installed as add-on, but my question likely generic and may apply to other add-ons as well.

How do I change media location used by Frigate ? I have drive mounted on /media/Driv1 and want Frigate Media (or HASS to use this drive for all the data).

Is using Move Data Disk (Behind the scenes of the "move data disk" feature) UI option will accomplish above ?

Or there a specific method just tell Frigate add on to use different disk ?

I asked on Frigate Git, but was redirected here: [Config Support]: Moving Media folder to different driver (NOT NAS) · blakeblackshear/frigate · Discussion #12790 (


From what I know from the linked topic, the “move data disk” feature will likely achieve what you are looking for - but it will also do much much more (which is: move everything to another, external storage except the boot data) - perhaps more you are looking for.

I would assume there’s a config option in Frigate to configure this (but I really don’t know, just wanted to add a small :warning: on the potentially rushed usage of the “move data disk” feature).

There is an option Frigate. To use this this option I have to create Frigate docker using compose. And based on reply here, integrating Frigate running in Docker with HASS is not officially supported: [Config Support]: Moving Media folder to different driver (NOT NAS) · blakeblackshear/frigate · Discussion #12790 (

hence I am trying to find a way for HASS Supervised to configure where Media folder is

I’m looking for this also, i’ve seen on the Frigate docs a reference to using a NAS but i think that method is going to save all the data on the drive, not just the recordings. I want to keep config and DB files on current SSD drive and save recording on a HDD one.

Based on what I have learned this can be done:

  1. running frigate in docker and configuring mounts in compose files (this is what I do). This can be diff mounts for db and for media
  2. change entire data drive in HASS

yes, but that’s only for frigate installed on a docker container. The chalenge here is Frigate on supervised HASS. On docker container you just have to give the config and media path on the compose file. I would like to do something similar on the supervised version, but yet i’m not able to find. Seen something regarding symbolic link but i’m not exacly sure if it will work on HASS(supervised) linking to OS mounted drive.

On supervised you can add nfs to same machine and add network share to machine itself. I have not tried.

I wiped out my hass supervised and will run in container. I want to control all folders myself