I had Google Assistant working perfectly but I had to change the user in the household because I’m having trouble with Google suite accounts
so with my new gmail user i’m following the instructions Google Assistant - Home Assistant
I got the new Jason file and replace my existing one
google_assistant: !include google_assistant.yaml
restart Home Assistant
when I do the last part I see the test home assistant project and it opens the log in from home assistant and I log in
OK found there’s an ID tag in the config to update. I got login.
Google home is showing the items added
I got to Enable local fulfillment
I put
- alarm_control_panel
- camera
- input_boolean
- input_select
- scene
- script
- switch
- fan
- light
- lock
- cover
- climate
- vacuum
- sensor
- humidifier
Reboots and reboots.
ANd all the devices are showing in Google Home but they are showing as offline??
They temporarily come online and work every now and then but whenever I say hey Google it says it’s not reachable