Changing Mosquitto MQTT Password

I am trying to configure Mosquitto in a new RP4 installation.

I need to change the user name and password to match my old RP4 installation.

My devices (all Arduino type device of various sorts), use the username and password taken from the mqqt settings:-

This worked fine with my old RP4 installation but the password is different with the new one and I don’t seem able to change it, because when I enter the new password it looses connection with the mosquitto broker.

I can’t change the password on my devices, because, apart from the fact I have a lot of them, some of them are in France and I am in the UK.

Any ideas, please.

Did you looked at the configuration parameters (username/password) defined for the mosquitto broker (see parameters → add-on’s → configuration) ?.. MQTT integration and MQTT add-on should be obviously in sync from a username/password point of view…

I guess you mean setting->addons->moquittobroker.

I have added the password I want to this:-

But when I try to change the password in settings to the same value it looses the connection to the broker and I have to change this password back to the default.

Just to be clear the last “setting” I refer to in my message above is the one in the first message in the thread

I’ve got it sorted! Lesson:- read the instructions!

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Im reading it too, but the documentation is incorrect. At the bottom it says:
" The /share folder can be accessed via SMB, or on the host filesystem under /usr/share/hassio/share."

But there is no such folder, hence no file to edit.

All my devices have a username and password for the mqtt connection, now i have the broker add-on, but i am unabl to change the username and password to that specific username and password.

Please explain what you did. Thanks.

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Did you get this sorted ?

Seems incredibly essential.

Why don’t you share your solution here for all users to see?