Hi, I’m currently using the API to change the values of bulbs, but the brightness value doesn’t get set properly.
I’ve also confirmed this behaviour is the same via the Service Dev Tool on HA, but basically if I set the data object to…
{"entity_id": "light.living_room_e27_01","brightness":30,"color_temp":300}
…the colour_temp value is set, but the brightness on the bulb just dims slightly and then goes back to what it was. If I omit the color_temp…
{"entity_id": "light.living_room_e27_01","brightness":30}
… it works fine, and the bulb is dimmed as expected.
I’ve tried using brightness_pct and kelvin, and I’m currently using Hassbian and the deCONZ component along with Raspbee hardware to interface with the Tradfri bulbs. I have however experienced this issue with the Hue component and bridge, and also noticed the same using Hass.io - so I’m either doing something wrong, or something else isn’t right.
I’m using multiple values in the data object to help create scenes on my HA Control Panel project, so I need to set both color and brightness at the same time - it’s not really something I want to separate out. Should this functionality work as I’m expecting? Can both brightness and color_temp be set at the same time?
Any help would be much appreciated!