Changing parameters on Aeotec TriSensor

OK, so I got my first automation running, an Aeotec TriSensor triggering a Philips Hue :sweat_smile:
The hardware setup is Home Assistant OS on an RPi 4 with a Z-Stick Gen5, and Z-Wave JS add-on and integration.

By default, the motion clear time (I call it rearm time) of the TriSensor is 240 seconds. According to their documentation, one can change this by changing a parameter in the device. There seems to be about 20 differents parameters one can tweak, E.g. to change the LEDs behaviour on the device etc…

Is there a way to access these device parameters from within HA? I searched for other integrations, also on HACS, but could not immediately find something. If not, what would be the preferred way to access them?

Unless you use the zwavejs2mqtt add in you cant edit the config values yet, This is a feature that is coming soon apparently, but at the moment its only available if you use zwave-hs integration alongside the zwavejs2mqtt addin to act as the control panel (it also provides the services that your current zwave-js add in performs.

Thnx, I’ll give a shot. If it worst; I’ll let it know here.