I have created a picture_glance with a feed from the garage camera. Using camera_view: auto it refreshes the image every few seconds. I have also tied an action to open the garage door to the hold_action.
What I want to do is somehow change the camera_view setting from auto to live, so that when I trigger the door opening action, the picture-glance shows me a live feed of door opening.
Also, for the same result, I want to add a toggle switch auto<>live, so that I can monitor the garage
type: picture-glance
title: Garage
- entity: binary_sensor.car_in_garage
- entity: sensor.garage_status
camera_image: camera.garage_camera
action: call-service
service: cover.toggle
service_data: {}
entity_id: cover.mygarage
action: more-info
entity: cover.mygarage
camera_view: live