I installed a quirk for a Nous E6 temp and humidity sensor.
it works perfectly well except i got a sample approximativly every 3 hours; when i would like at least 4 by hour. I can’t find any downlink command for setting a refresh rate. My intuition is when i explore the cluster commands that sending a command can be done but i dont know which one and which value to send. Can someone point me to a documentation ?
Also, ZHA initially configures the reporting interval to max 15 minutes or on a 0.5°C change at most every 30 seconds.
However, this configuration is only don when the device initially joins the network, or when you reconfigure it. And as your devices works on a battery, the configuration quite often does not arrive at your device because it sleeps a lot and ZHA does not repeat its commands.
So using the method on the link above with zha-toolkit, you can set the configuration as you like it, and the commands is repeated until it succeeds (before the number of tries you specify).