Changing the temperature setpoint by automation relativ to the old sp


is there a way to use an automation to change the setpoint of a thermostat by a specific number of degrees? I want to reduce the setpoint during the night and back in the morning. I didn’t found a service that looked like I it could help, but maybe someone already implemented something like this.

Best regards,

This service call sets the target temperature (setpoint temperature):


yeah, but that is not relativ but absolute. I want to reduce the temp by let’s say 3 degree and back up 3 degree, independend on what was set before.
If my wife deicdes to have our living room a little bit warmer and I overwrite that every evening I would be in trouble… that’s why I would prefer relativ setting.

Use a template in the service call to get the current temperature (ie target temp) and subtract your difference.

service: climate.set_temperature
  temperature: |
    {{ state_attr('climate.wiser_lounge','temperature') - 3 }}
  entity_id: climate.wiser_lounge

Yeah but that’s the service call you must use. Its temperature option supports a template (see example above).

Thanks a lot both of you for that hint. Can this also be implemented for a group of climate devices? I don’t want to have a list of 10+ automations for all rooms individually…