Changing the value in a counter helper from node red

I’ve been searching for the last few hours on how to solve my problem.
The problem:

I want to update the value of a counter helper from node red, and if I’m loading the example data of the json example everything is working fine.
my problem is that I want only the value to change.

I have a msg.payload of a number, I have the callservice node with the counter domain, the configure service and the entity ID that I want to change. whenever I go to the JSON in the Data and try to cast the payload or even just put the payload it won’t work and say either:

  • “Call-service error. extra keys not allowed @ data[‘0’]”
  • “Unable to cast value to a number: “msg.payload””

I’ll be really glad if someone would be able to help me.
Tell me what you need of me and I’ll post it in here.

Thanks in advance.

ok found my problem finally…
all I needed to do is write that on the JSON

“value”: “{{payload}}”