Changing the zigbee channel

If I have a running ZHA zigbee network, ist it possible to change the channel without pairing the devices, or is the channel number fixed forever?

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I don’t think it’s possible for you to change zigbee channel without repairing the devices (from what I’ve read on the forum).

Have you successfully change the zigbee channel? You may want to try this easy way- (suggestion by puddly from discord

  1. Disable/delete the integration
  2. sudo bellows -d socket://IP:8888 backup > backup.txt (if you are using ZBBridge/other IP based coordinator)
    sudo bellows -d /dev/ttyUSBX backup > backup.txt (if you are running USB based coordinator)
  3. Open backup.txt and change radiochannel=X (X to the channel that you want)
  4. sudo bellows -d socket://IP:8888 restore --force --backup-file backup.txt (if you are using ZBBridge/other IP based coordinator)
    sudo bellows -d /dev/ttyUSBX restore --force --backup-file backup.txt (if you are running USB based coordinator)

Before defining your zigbee channel, you can read Zigbee WIFI Coexistence.

Goodluck :slight_smile:

Yes, you can change the Zigbee channel but all Zigbee devices should be online (connected to power or battery).
I’ve done this many times. If a device was not online and it’s not connecting just run the inclusion again for this device. Some devices you’ll just need to disconnect from Power/Battery to include again, and others you’ll have to reset, but you don’t need to delete the device in HA.

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@rudimarp How did you change the channel?

You can find an example for ZHA integration here:
Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant (


Changing via configuration.yaml won’t work if the network is already formed on the coordinator. See here.

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