Chargepoint support

You ever get this working?

I checked out your fork but wasn’t sure if you had made it work, yet (brand new to HA and GIT for that matter). I’m currently still working on MITM my userid/secret but wanted to make sure that I could use them once I obtain them.


I spent some time this weekend reverse engineering ChargePoint’s current API and build a Python library to wrap it. GitHub - mbillow/python-chargepoint

@drynish Are you open to a PR to revive and port your current module over?

@mbillow (cc @drynish) I’ve taken a look at your python wrapper for Chargepoint’s API, and I’m actively interested as well in helping get it integrated into HomeAssistant! Would be happy to collaborate/contribute in any way, feel free to DM me

So, I have been slowly hacking away at a custom component as I have had time the past few weekends.

I’ve gotten to a point where I am happy enough to publish it as a functioning custom component. It has sensors for account balance and various bits of info around home charging sessions. Open to pull requests if you want more features before I get around to adding them. Just make an issue first and let me know so we don’t duplicate too much effort. :stuck_out_tongue:

The repo is mbillow/ha-chargepoint if you want to add it as a custom repo to HACS while I work on getting the logo added to brands, the wheels built, and it added to HACS default repos.

Here is a screenshot of it working though:


Looks great. I tried to install via HACS and got it loaded as a custom repository, but don’t see it in the list of available integrations. Seems like I have had this issue before, so maybe I need to clear the cache on my browser ?

I am exited to get it up and running.

Neermind. Got it running just fine. Need to explore.

I installed the repo, however when I provided my credentials authentication failed… I use a password manager so I know my credentials are correct. Are there any known issues in this regard that I should be looking out for?

I tried the custom integration as well but no luck. Get Failed to set up error after logging in.

@ubatra and @villovil

I fixed an issue today for users without phone numbers or, rather, without an assigned internal phone country code.

If updating doesn’t solve the issue, please make a GitHub issue with whatever error message is printed in your Home Assistant logs.

Thanks @mbillow, updated but still got the error. Reported on Github.

I’d like to be able to stop a charging session from home assistant. Does this integration have the capability to stop a charging session? If so, how is it done?

I just released v0.6.0 of the integration which adds a switch to start and stop charging sessions.

I am really glad to see that its being worked on. I have just gotten the ability to stuff my extra Solar electricity production into my Tesla by using the tesla integration to vary the charging amps.

Is there a way to vary the charging amps (or power) that the chargepoint provides ?

Hi all,
I’m new to HA and I am using ChargePoint Flex at home. I started to integrate with mbillwo/ha-chargepoint for a week. For some reason, no energy consumption data is capture. Now sure if I missing something in the setting. The ChargePoint app (iOS) does show the energy consumption data

Thanks in advance

Is this project still alive?

I’ve been keeping it up to date with Home Assistant API changes and everything still works, if that is what you’re asking.

I got the project to a point where it works for my needs and haven’t really wanted to add anything else. A bunch of people wanted to be able to start/stop charges, so I added that switch so I could teach myself how to interactive resource types work in HA. Also happy to review pull requests if others want to contribute.

Hi Michel,

I also have a TechnoVE charging station and today, HA automatically discovered it. There is a dedicated new integration available. As far as I can see, at this time it only deploys a number of different sensors, which means that you can monitor the station but not control it.


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I plan on adding more controls to the integration in the near future, I just have not had much time to work on it as I work on the integration during my spare time :slight_smile: Glad you enjoy it.

Is there anyway to add a sensor to predict how much time is left to finish charging?

That’s an interesting idea but sadly the charging station doesn’t give this information