I’ve been scratching my head with switches for some time, and after a lot of googling, I’m resorting to ask the community.
I’m looking for a dreamed switch, with the following characteristics
Can control smart or traditional bulbs (relay can be disabled, so power is always on)
Wall mounted with european format (more squared than rectangular).
Does run without neutral wire
Can dimm smart bulbs (nice to have)
I assume that device is not supported by zigbee2mqtt because I ran through all devices, but I can do the PR to get it supported (unless I missed).
This feature set is available in zwave devices, but I fail how to achieve this with zigbee (yeah, I know just totally bypassing the switch and joining the lines would work, but I think this is more practical and flexible.
hola @juan11perez Thanks! That’s one that I had a look at, but I can’t find how to disable the relay, so when it’s managing smart bulbs don’t go down. did I missed something?
Yeah, also in zwave I’ve seen that option. But I want to be able mix and match smart bulbs without rewiring, plus in my opinion, I don’t want to rely on wifi for soemthing as basic as lights.
I’ve never enabled it but there is a setting in each switch’s settings in the MiHome app called ‘Change to a wireless switch’ which says something like “the button will no longer control its own wire connection”.
Hey @thoughton that was super helpful, at least worth getting one and testing it. I’m not sure how to tune that setting with my dyi controller and zigbee2mqtt, do you have any clue about it?