Bit of a silly one, but for anyone living in Melbourne and familiar with Pancake Parlour’s “Winter Parlour” ( where you pay for certain pancakes based on how cold it is, this is for you.
This is just a basic notification to let you know when the price changes ($15, $10 or $5) as per their conditions. They utilise the Melbourne Airport BOM station (which is great, because it’s one of the colder metro areas). You need just the two following, a single sensor and an automation:
If you don’t already monitor Melbourne Airport weather conditions, add this to your sensor config:
- platform: bom
station: IDV60901.94866
name: Melbourne AP
- air_temp
And the following automation:
- alias: "Cheap Pancakes"
initial_state: "on"
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.bom_melbourne_ap_air_temp_c
below: "10.0"
above: "5.1"
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.bom_melbourne_ap_air_temp_c
below: "5.0"
above: "0.0"
- service: notify.ios_hal9000beta
title: 'Cheap Pancakes!'
message: >
{% if states('sensor.bom_melbourne_ap_air_temp_c') | float < 5 %}
Temperature is {{states.sensor.bom_melbourne_ap_air_temp_c.state}}ºC. Pancakes are $5!
{% elif states('sensor.bom_melbourne_ap_air_temp_c') | float < 10 %}
Temperature is {{states.sensor.bom_melbourne_ap_air_temp_c.state}}ºC. Pancakes are $10!
{% endif %}
I’ve only included the $10 and $5 specials, since $15 isn’t far off from their normal price!
That is all, enjoy the deliciousness!