I’ve some cheap leak detectors that are recognized as PT-2262, but considered as switches and binary sensors.
However, it seems that when the devices report a leak, they are using the command 0x9 (and only this one), which is not recognized by default, since it is logged as:
Receive RFXCOM event: {'packet_type': 19, 'sub_type': 0, 'type_string': 'PT2262', 'id_string': 'f40699', 'data': '09130002f40699017570', 'values': {'Command': 'Unknown command (0xf40699)', 'Rssi numeric': 7}}
(ID is really f4069 I think, and 9 is the command)
I tried many things, including configuration (in configuration.yaml, at top level) such as:
name: leak_test1
data_bits: 4
command_on: 9
device_class: moisture
seconds: 5
which seemed the closest to everything I read on the subject, but this doesn’t seem to have any effect. I tried to also add “device: /path/to/my/usb/device” (with the correct path obviously). I tried removing first the existing device, then enabling the auto add, and triggering the device. I tried many combination of the configuration (without the name, without the off_delay, …) I tried other format which seems deprecated (using “platform: rfxtrix”) such as:
platform: rfxtrx
automatic_add: true
name: leak_test1
command_on: 9
data_bits: 4
I tried so many things, searched through the web everywhere, it’s embarrassing…
I’ve added the integration of RTXtrx directly from the UI. Is that why I can’t combine it with a setup in configuration.yaml?
Any help would be much appreciated.