I just bought a very cheap (and now I know why!) Aurora Aone downlighter from Amazon but it wont pair with my Moes Smart Gateway. It claims to work with zigbee2mqtt. What is the cheapest zigbee2mqtt device for my RPi based HA system? I have no plans to get more Zigbee devices so not worth spending much to get one light working!
I have a Zigstar UZG-01 which works quite well as Zigbee2MQTT. Available for USD $36.50 on Elecrow.
Probably is a way to just use a Zigbee USB stick directly on HA server.
Hi Clive Just,
You might just have a mesh issue. If all you have is one hub and one device, it may be sketchy. It doesn’t work like WIFI…
Do some reading here:
The Home Assistant Cookbook - Index.
Can it really be a mesh issue with just 2 devices a metre apart and a distance from any other radio device?
With respect and no offence meant - just an observation - I was asking for advice on a device not a link to a manual which I probably could have easily found with a Google search had I felt the need to read one but a more specific pointer would have been quite helpful.
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