Check availability of all devices

Is there a way to target all devices for a status change trigger, without having to individually list them? The number of devices in my smart home is increasing steadily and every so often a device becomes unavailable. Rather than finding out that a motion sensor or switch is not available anymore when I use the device, I would like to get updated on my phone that I need to re(-)pair a device.


There are a lot of solutions for that. Google around. Im using uptime kuma to track devices avability. If device is not availsble it will send me message on my telegram account.

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Trouble is, devices are not marked unavailable until several hours after they have stopped responding. This is because battery-powered devices can’t be contacted by the coordinator, they have to initiate a connection.

The ZHA Toolkit from HACS has a “ping” service - presumably that gives up after x tries.

Edit: If you have Zigbee devices going unavailable often enough to need to track them, I’d suggest you look into the reason. XY problem.

For battery powered devices, I would also recommend a battery monitoring automation to detect when batteries are low (belt & suspenders).