Hi, since there is a issue with the remote_gpio platform, when we restart hassio, it happens that this platform is not loaded correctly, so the problem is that the sensors are not created…
i see that in the log file, but i want to alert myself with a message instead of always looking in the log file
so created the automation below, but it doesnt trigger, i dont know how to actually check if an entity / binary_sensor, in my case excists? so i need change the condition, but how?
- alias: Raspberry GPIO Check Startup
initial_state: 'on'
platform: homeassistant
event: start
condition: template
value_template: '{{ not is_state("binary_sensor.gpio_23", "unavailable") }}'
service: notify.html5
message: "Attention: Raspberry Error"
title: "Raspberry"
- !secret notify_html5_1