I will NEVER use GoControl, or their parent, Nortel, ever again. I have 4 GoControl Z-Wave thermostats and we had a power flicker, not just off than on, but going off then on several times in 30 seconds. When it stopped, I looked around the room, something looked odd on the thermostat. The display was blinking so only half of each character was showing at a time. I called GoControl and tried to get help, to see if I could get a replacement display and they wouldn’t even talk to me. They said, “Go to the person who sold it to you.” I said, “That’s through your brand on Amazon.” They said, “Well, you have to buy it through an authorized dealer.” They wouldn’t even answer a single question or transfer me to someone or suggest someone in my area. I tried multiple ways to reach GoControl and Nortel, their owner, and got blocked on every way. I messaged them through FB, since they don’t allow public posts on their page and got the same bs.
GoControl may work, but if you EVER need support, they are just nasty, rude, and tell you to go away.
I’m looking over this. Right now I’m dealing with an issue that’s become urgent to deal with (we had some nasty flood damage on our driveway), so I’m moving slower than I was - now it’s just as well the stuff I ordered is not here yet!
Mixed feelings about rabbit holes, but often going down them opens me up to new ideas and lots of times even if I don’t get a solution to the immediate problem, it’s something I remember and use in the future.
By “Long wires,” with the garage door opener issue, that means wires going from the opener, down the rod to the wall the door is in. (There’s an extra support rod and the installers ran wires down it and to each side of the door for safety sensors.) What’s frustrating is Chamberlain (and Liftmaster, one of their brands) does NOT work with any home automation systems. At least the version they had in 2017 does not. There is one protocol I can use, with a bridge, to control their system, but from what I’ve seen, it’s for cars only. (It lets the built-in door opener buttons in some cars control the LiftMaster door, but it does not allow any way to read the door position.)
I was actually thinking of putting a Pi Zero W near one side of the door with some switches or sensors to read if the door was up or down. The sensing is not critical, but in the long run, I’d like to be able to verify the door is up or down. (Like if I’m about to go to bed and can’t remember if I closed the door - it’d be nice to pick up my phone and check and, if it’s open, close it and verify it’s closed.)
Both you and @nickrout are suggesting more ESPHome devices, so I’ll be looking into those. I figure one advantage to ESP would be that it’ll already work with HA, so I take it if I set that up and ESP device to control the garage door and another to sense the position, I can not only access them through HA, but also label them as needed. Is it possible to write my own scripts to interact with them? For instance, is there a way, in HA, to have a script or Python program trigger when I close the door and warn me if it doesn’t read as “closed” within a minute?