Got myself a tubular motor from aliexpress. And now cannot find a company who would accept to make a necessary curtain on the necessary tube diameter. Any ideas on the diameter and profile of the tube wchich shall be used? 25-26mm is the outer diameter. And 28 is with those plastic legs
Why not just buy a regular one from ikea and place it on this on?
Well i believe TUPPLUR in ikea has an internal diameter of 24mm So the motor won’t fit.
The curtain is just glued to the tube so you could rip/pull/cut it of the original one and glue it to yours right? Or do you want to reuse the system to hang in the window aswell?
Nope. Would love to rip/pull/cut )
But for this to work i need to get a tube. And just can’t find any suitable one. So was wondering if anyone has experience and knows which tubes fit on this …
Did you figure it out yet? I want to do the same with a Chinese tubular motor and tupplur blinds
In a way… Got myself a 3d printer to print out the adapter
I guess you bought this one? So without any modifications it’s too big to fit in the IKEA TUPPLUR tube?
I believe standard heating-tubes are available in 28mm. At least in the Netherlands they are…
That’s seems like a good DIY solution, would like to keep it as simple as possible tho. It’s annoying that not a single of those tubular motors has the tube diameter specified.
IKEA Tuplur i now at around 20+mm (check online or at IKEA) So this one definitely won’t fit it
I’ve found online that the Tupplur tube has 25mm outer diameter and 23mm inner diameter
Did anybody have any luck completing one of these and if so did you get it integrated with SmartThings?
I’ve just purchased two tubular motors from China and have located some 40mm tubing (38.1mm inner diameter) and I know the motors work on 433mhz but wasn’t sure if anybody had successfully integrated things or not.