Choose a Raspberry Pi 4

Hi everybody,

I’m opening a topic to talk about RPi Pi 4… I want to buy one, but I’m wondering which model.

Now I have a RPi Pi 3 (so with 1Go of RAM), and the used RAM is near to 550Mo.

The increase of RAM will have an impact on performances ?
If yes, does it util to have 4Go or 2Go could be suffisants ?

Thank you !

If I was on your feet I want not expect to get it up and running in a short time. Probably Raspian has the installation that will fit for the new baby.

The new Raspbian Buster releases (Lite or regular) are required for the Pi 4.

The increased RAM will allow you to run more software on the Pi, and might increase performance a little (it’ll be used as a disk cache).

Personally I’d suggest that given the small cost increase, go for more - you’ll never regret having more RAM.

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Remember too, you may want to buy their USB-C power adapter. Some smart USB-C adapters will not work because of a design flaw in the Pi 4.

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You’ll need to consider heat issues too particularly if you intend using a case. Passive cooling is a minimum requirement installed in a case. There has been a firmware introduced that will help with high cpu running temperature.

HassOS with rpi 4 is out. It’s in beta but it’s out

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