Choose icons and hide entities in Telldus live interface

Is the any way to choose icons for a entity?
I want to define the switches which is interfaced with Telldus live to be shown as a bulb and not the lightning icon as it have now.

I have some switches in my telldus live account which I only use for Christmas, how could I hide them? Is it possible to only hide them when there is not Christmas?

Of course all the way on top ( right after time_zone: ) you put customize: and what you need changed. I did this for my speedtest look.

customize: sensor.speedtest_ping: icon: mdi:radar sensor.speedtest_download: icon: mdi:download sensor.speedtest_upload: icon: mdi:upload sensor.that_you_want_to_hide: hidden: true

Thank you, it worked out just fine

Now with the Google Calendar component you can use the sensors it creates to hide/unhide based on events.

Hi Emil,
Did you get it to work properly? I’m trying to hide some unnecessary Telldus switches in HA but I’m guessing I don’t get the names right since they still show. I tried it like this:

  time_zone: Europe/Stockholm
    switch.Sovrum fönster 1:
      hidden: true  
    switch.Sovrum fönster 2:
      hidden: true  
    switch.Tvättmaskinen kör:
      hidden: true  
    switch.Bollar barnrum:
      hidden: true