Choose the right touch front-end

Hi all,

At the moment there are a few different choices to build a nice looking interface / dashboard.

I’m looking for the best way to build mine, keeping in mind i will be using the amazon Fire 7 tablet as a touch screen.
With the switch to Lovelace as the default front-end I would think this will probably be the most solid path to move forward, but will it be as flexable as the other choices.
Also have to keep in mind i’m a code newbie, so no experience there …

Check out the lovelace picture elements card.

I personally tried to use a Fire 7 tablet as a wall-mounted dashboard and honestly: It’s crap. Ads popped up all the time. Finally I got myself a cheap chinese tablet, which was the same price, had a IPS screen and is even a little bit bigger (7.85).

For the frontend, there’s HADashboard, which I use. At the moment of writing it still can’t display graphs natively, but it’s quite clean looking and everything has nice big buttons.

You forgot HADashboard.

I think it best to play around and see what suits you and youur family.