I’m using the custom integration Chore Helper.
On my dashboard I would like to have a conditional card that shows me that there are due or overdue tasks. When I press on it it takes me to a subview with all tasks.
Everything is in place, except the conditional logic for this card.
What I would like to have is a template binary sensor that returns True when there are due or overdue tasks.
Every chore has a sensor entity where the state represents the days until the chore has to be executed. A negative value means it’s overdue and 0 means it’s due.
A list of the Chore entities can be acquired with this template:
{{ integration_entities('chore_helper') }}
Which returns:
['calendar.chores', 'sensor.onderhoud_gasketel', 'sensor.beddengoed_verschonen', 'sensor.onderhoud_vaatwasser', 'sensor.onderhoud_wasmachine', 'sensor.onderhoud_dampkap', 'sensor.doucheafvoer_reinigen', 'sensor.parket_onderhouden', 'sensor.zetel_inspuiten']
Now it’s get a little too complicated for me: I’m looking for a template that returns True when at least one of these sensor states is “value <= 0”
Could someone point me in the right direction?