Christmas Tree water sensor

I’m looking for a device that I can use in an automation that will turn on my pump to add water into my Christmas tree stand when the level gets low.
Does anyone have a system that works?

I’m curious to learn how you plan to supply water to the tree stand?

You can use an ultrasonic sensor to detect water-level and use that data to control a water-valve. Alternately, you can use a float-valve (assuming the tree stand can easily accommodate it).

Don´t have it myself, but what about one of these waterpumps for aquariums with a smart switch? To measure humidity levels in the pot, you can use a xiaomi plant sensor.

It’s usually a cut tree stood in a bucket of water. I guess that sensor would still work, but it’s overkill.

Agree in your scenario. We usually buy a tree with the roots to plant after Christmas.

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The way I solved the problem was to buy a tree stand with an integrated oversized water reservoir. That minimized refills.

The ultimate solution was an artificial tree. In the long run, cheaper than a live (dead) tree, not a fire hazard, with a multi-year lifespan compared to 2-weeks for a dead one (and then goes into landfill unless your community mulches/composts them).

Pagan rituals we continue to practice in the 21st century. :man_shrugging:

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The way I solved this problem was to buy an artificial tree. Lowers the detected sneezing level too.

The way I solved it was to be a grumpy old man who couldn’t give two cat’s excitements about xmas. But that don’t help OP.

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LOL does your wife call you “the grinch” too?


If I were going to do that I’d just find someone I hate and give her half my shit.