Chrome Address Bar on Android 8.0

Sorry if I missed an existing thread, but I couldn’t find anything about this issue. I’ve tinkered with Home Assistant before and I was always able to use the Add to Home screen option in chrome to remove the address bar and make Home Assistant act like its own app, rather than just a web page. Now I’m noticing that while I can still add the icon to the homescreen, the address bar is there and it opens in chrome as opposed to opening as its own app (even though I know it was using chrome on the backend), and I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if this is a bug (outlined in red in the screenshot below). I’m wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue or hopefully has a fix! I’ve included a screenshot below along with some info:

Android Oreo 8.0.0
Chrome (Android) 61.0.3163.98 (general release channel, not beta–this is the most up to date version available today) 0.56.1


Thanks for any info!

I’ve had this issue for a while. It’s not a big deal, but it’s quite annoying given how nice it was before.

Glad to see I’m not the only one. Thanks for posting that thread, this is definitely a duplicate of that issue.

I just got a Pixel 2 XL, and haven’t had this issue. I did however have a similar issue on my Pixel C tablet where the add to home screen option wasn’t working correctly. I had to switch to the Google Now launcher in order to get it to function properly. Maybe that will solve your issue as well?

I had the same issue, Samsung’s browser seems to generate a better “app”. Alternatively, what about or

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I also have this behaviour in my and my girlfriends Phone (both with LineageOS 14.1 (Android 7.1.2)).

Sadly I don’t Like the general layout of the axzae App from the Playstore. Maxr1998 App looks much better imho but is also cluttered up on the main screen without the possibility to hide some stuff.

A working integration of chromes webapp would just be an easy solution to have an app for android, with the same layout which we already configured for the web frontend. :slight_smile: