Android O and the Front End

I have a Pixel and recently upgraded to Android O. Previously, when I would go to Home Assistant in Chrome, I could choose the Add to Homescreen option and it would put a shrotcut on my desktop. This would launch in its own full screen window. Now, the shortcut opens up a new tab in Chrome every time. I have tried deleting and re-adding and get the same result. It actually tries to install it as if it was an app (in the app drawer and lets me uninstall it), but still just opens in a new tab.

For reference, a few other sites I have added homescreen shortcuts (like my Asus router’s home page), still load full screen.

Anyone else seeing this?

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Did this two days ago with a new HASS IP address on a Nexus6p with Android 8 and had/have no problems.

Have also been using it successfully for last few months on beta Android 8 with no problems. I very rarely use it but it does work whenever I do.

Might be a Pixel launcher thing. Nexus 6p doesn’t use that launcher.

Add to homescreen doesn’t work properly in Oreo, it didn’t since at least the last couple of dev previews. Some have got it to work by turning on the new version in the chrome flags but that doesn’t work for me.

Existing ones are still working fine but unfortunately I changed the ip when I moved over to hassio so went to create a new one which is when I found it was borked. Google aren’t being helpful.

Yes! I am running Nougat 7.0 and just encountered this problem last night, I have a moto z play.

I deleted my home assistant home page shortcut (because I was testing something) and when I went to re-add it, I now encounter the same problem. I noticed the same thing about the app drawer too, it wasn’t that way before. I think this issue emerged when I re-added the shortcut, but I’m not 100% certain, or, it could have been coincidental with some other update.

This is very annoying!

My wife doesn’t have the same issue, but she’s running the same version of chrome as me: 60.0.3112.107 . She’s running android 7.1.2.

Haven’t had any updates to Chrome or other related Googleness, have had one to Nova though and now it’s suddenly working perfectly again.

I’m on Oreo on Pixel and I can;t even get it to make a homescreen icon…