Chrome Cast Audio Receiver Available?


I have been looking into the HA TTS functionality and like that very much. I have been using it a bit now but as its just now streaming to my Nokia8000 TV box its no satisfying. The most annoying thing is that the Nokia box does not resume playing what it played before the cast has been played. I have been looking posts here and seached the internet to check if there is a simple crome cast audio player thing that can connect to an existing speaker but that appears to be something non existent. I have found many atricles here in the forum and the internet about DIY ESP32 type streming or MP3 player things, however I have not seen anything as simple as a crome cast audio receiver only. I don’t even find anything for a M$ PC. All I find is how to send to a receiver but nothing about receiving. Has anybody come across anything like that ? Even a piece of Linux or Windows software running in the background that plays audio from the HA server. Can an Adroid phone somehow receiver a chrome cast audio ?

Kind Regards
Jan P.


regarding TTS messages on the phone that is resolved, I was not aware until now that this is part of the HA Android App already. I have that set up and working fine now. The question remains, what simpe and cheap way is there to play TTS on devices that dont run the App and is there a Linux, Windows and/or ESP32 way doing this ?

Jan P.

I currently use CCA’s but they are harder to come by these days.

“Cheap” is a relative term, and what connection type do your speakers use?

I’ve not tried these but these might work.

@ServiceXp , thank you for your suggestions. The CCA is pretty much what I was looking for functionality wise I think but at that price probably not going to happen. Same goes for that “Multiroom Streamer”. To expensive for my needs and way to much packed into one device. I do have spare laptops and R-Pis around that I can use for hardware. Having it wireless is not super critical, I have ethernet in places where I also have an audio amplifier. I suppose at this point I am more looking for a R-Pi way of having audio from HA played on the Audio output of the R-Pi. I did have Android on a R-Pi many years back but I remember it being very sluggish, a pure CLI software would probably be way better. Also still hoping someone could point me to a ESP32 home brew way of doing this. I don’t need HiFi quality audio, just something that has understandable TTS output and as a bonus playing RTTTL audio would be nice. Maybe someone has done this with the build in DAC.

Kind regards
Jan P