Chrome phishing warning on nabu casa url

Just got back from a few days away, been using Home Assistant via the app remotely with no issues. But when I try to go to my nabu casa URL from chrome I now get the attached error. Does not seem to be any way to bypass it [Edit: I can bypass it, should I? What’s the probability this is a false warning?]. I don’t see anything else weird going on, works fine still from app via nabu and can load local URL with no issues. Anyone else having an issue?

Same problem here on Firefox.

This is 100% a false positive.

Report it to Google/Mozilla using the link provided and proceed to the “unsafe site”.

EDIT: no need to report it. It has already been done.

According to the Discord discussion I’m in now, it looks like many of us are affected. Google blocking anything, maybe…

There’s no “maybe” about it.


Has anyone from Nabu weighed in, are they aware?

Yes they are aware. Check the #cloud channel on the HA discord server:

I can confirm that it looks like the domain is on a phishing list. Using chrome or Firefox you’ll see the warning but can click on “details” to continue through

I am with Nabu Casa support. It is already known, Google has been contacted. Submitting more tickets won’t change anything there

So ignore my advice above to notify Google.

It’s solved