Chromecast can't play media from automation


Here is the problem. I’ve plugged a Chromecast III on a projector and uploaded a video file in the media browser. Last I put a media player card on my lovelace interface.

When I click on my media player card and browser my media library I can click on the media play button.

Comes the time the video ends. I need it to loop so I thought of an automation. I’m making it on node red but this doesn’t matter as the behaviour is the same if I call services from the dev interface.

Here is what happens when video ends. Chromecast goes from playing state to idle.
After a delay it evens goes off.

I tried to call the media_play service (with media ref and tutti quanti).
If the player is idle it stays idle, if the player is off it goes idle (so it doesn’t play the video).

I thought I needed to explicitly tell it to play so I tried the play_media service. ziltch, player stays idle if it was idle, stays off if it was off.

I thought that was a question of position, tried media_seek, no more success.

I tried any combination of those services, play_media after media_play, media_play_pause after media_play, those same combined with media_seek.

Not one success.

I noted that clicking on the play button of the media player card doesn’t play even if the media player is idle (so it knows what to play).

Did someone succeed in making this work ? Is there any limitation with chromescast I missed ?

Thanks for your help
