Chromecast Radio with station and player selection

Hey Bob!,

which streams are those? Using the same streams setup still for my wakeup and sleep stations, and obviously that’s not a good idea. I forgot about that, until I tested the sleep radio last night and got an angry wife response over the intercom… was still set to Slamfm ;-))

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How would I reach the attributes?

I need to set the volume of an encapsulated media player… {{states(‘sensor.sleep_radio’)}}

would this be correct: {{state_attr(states('sensor.sleep_radio'),'volume_level')}}?

Looks about right. Why don’t you try and and report back :blush:

lol, of course that’s what I have done:

    alias: Play wakeup radio
      - service: media_player.volume_set
          entity_id: >
          volume_level: '0.01'
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: >
          media_content_id: >
          media_content_type: 'audio/mp4'

no errors, but the volume doesn’t get set…

these work:

        friendly_name: Wakeup radio volume
        value_template: >
          {{state_attr(states('sensor.wakeup_radio'),'volume_level')|float|round(2) }}

        friendly_name: Sleep radio volume
        value_template: >
          {{state_attr(states('sensor.sleep_radio'),'volume_level')|float|round(2) }}

seems the initial setting works but the loop won’t do it correctly:

  - alias: 'Increase volume loop'
    id: 'Increase volume loop'
    initial_state: 'off'
      platform: event
      event_type: timer.finished
        entity_id: timer.increase_volume_delay
      - condition: template
        value_template: >
      - condition: template
        value_template: >
          {{states('sensor.wakeup_radio_volume')|float < 1 }}
      - service: script.increase_volume_delay
      - service: media_player.volume_set
          entity_id: >
          volume_level: >
            {% set level = 
               states('sensor.wakeup_radio_volume')|float + 
               states('input_number.increase_volume')|float %}
            {% if level < 1 %} {{ level|round(2) }}
            {% else %} 1
            {% endif %}

just one more, was a bit of a struggle, but finally it dawned on me the encapsulated volume sensor didn’t get updated. It needed the entity_ids of the individual sensors (which are all templated sensors them selves) and most of all the timer…

this seems to do the trick:

        friendly_name: Sleep radio volume
          - sensor.sleep_radio
          - sensor.sleep_radio_state
          - sensor.sleep_radio_volume
          - timer.decrease_volume_delay
        value_template: >
          {{state_attr(states('sensor.sleep_radio'),'volume_level')|float|round(2) }}

and the same for the wakeup volume of course.

I included the link in my post :wink:

Really? Can’t see that, when I click the link I only see a Mediaplayer playing a scary tune…:wink:

This is realy working well, got only one little problem.

When i play the radio it just sometimes stops playing, why is this happening?
Is it a bad internet connection, or a bad mediaplayer?
When i hit play again when it stops it immediatly begins to play again…

Is it possible to automate this?
When the music stops automatic hit play again?

Hello guys,

this is my setup.

Below screenshot is from Tileboard which I am using as wall mount HA control panel.


4 input_booleans for station selection
media player - chromecast mini

Automation - this will turn on/off radio and switch between stations

- id: "Radio_manual"
  alias: "Radio Manual"
  initial_state: true 
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.station_1, input_boolean.station_2, input_boolean.station_3, input_boolean.station_4
      to: 'on'
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ states | selectattr("entity_id","in", ["input_boolean.station_1", "input_boolean.station_2", "input_boolean.station_3", "input_boolean.station_4"] ) |selectattr("state","eq","on") | list | count | int > 1}}'
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
        entity_id: >
          {% for state in states.input_boolean if state.state == 'on' and 'station' in state.entity_id %}
            {% if trigger.entity_id.split('_')[2] != state.entity_id.split('_')[2] %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}   
    - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.radio_live

- id: "Radio_manual_1"
  alias: "Radio Manual 1"
  initial_state: true 
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.station_1, input_boolean.station_2, input_boolean.station_3, input_boolean.station_4
      to: 'off'
    - service: media_player.turn_off
        entity_id: media_player.chormecast_id 

- id: "Radio_manual_2"
  alias: "Radio Manual 2"
  initial_state: true 
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.station_1, input_boolean.station_2, input_boolean.station_3, input_boolean.station_4
      to: 'on'
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ states | selectattr("entity_id","in", ["input_boolean.station_1", "input_boolean.station_2", "input_boolean.station_3", "input_boolean.station_4"] ) |selectattr("state","eq","on") | list | count | int == 1}}'
    - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.radio_live

script to turn on radio BTW, this script also takes care of suppressing start beep

  alias: "Radio live"
    # lowers volume so you do not hear the startup sound
    -  service: media_player.volume_set
         entity_id: media_player.chormecast_id
         volume_level: 0.01
    # turn off Google Home - I had to do this or else I would hear the starting sound if Google Home wasn't "off" when the turn on step runs
    -  service: media_player.turn_off
         entity_id: media_player.chormecast_id
    # wait 1 second before turning on Google Home
    -  delay: 00:00:01
    # turn on Google Home
    -  service: media_player.turn_on
         entity_id: media_player.chormecast_id
    # wait 1 seconds so you don't hear the startup sound
    -  delay: 00:00:01
    # set volume to desired level
    -  service: media_player.volume_set
         entity_id: media_player.chormecast_id
         volume_level: 0.30
    # wait 1 second
    -  delay: 00:00:01
    -  service: media_player.play_media
        entity_id: media_player.chormecast_id
        media_content_id: >
          {% if is_state("input_boolean.station_1", "on") %}
          {% elif is_state("input_boolean.station_2", "on") %}
          {% elif is_state("input_boolean.station_3", "on") %}
          {% elif is_state("input_boolean.station_4", "on") %}
          {% endif %}
        media_content_type: 'music'
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whats the rest of your setup look like?

Chromecast beep can be removed configuring chromecast in Home App. Anyway it is a good programming exercise.

this is my tileboard setup, running on 8" windows tablet.

I’ve pinched your code, and changed the relevant media_player entries to suit my Mini’s, but I get this error on configuration validation… any ideas?

it’s pretty much a vanilla installation of Hass, as I’m contemplating switching to Hass from Hassbian, and it does the same thing with the package that @stanvx has in his GitHub repo as well

Thanks for sharing this @Mariusthvdb it works perfectly for my needs. I’ve tweaked it a little bit and am trying to add a resume capability into it, but was wondering if you could help me with the trigger part.

What I have below works perfectly when the entity_id is hardcoded into the automation (such as entity_id: media_player.bathroom_speaker) , but when I try to reference the sensor as below it fails config check. And if I put simply sensor.radio_source (without the template part) as the entity_id, it passes the config check but the automation never triggers - probably because the sensor doesn’t have an idle state.

Wondering if you would know a way of doing this?

 ## entity_id part doesn't work currently or pass valid config check
  - alias: Radio - Resume Playing
    initial_state: 'on'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: {{states('sensor.radio_source')}}
        to: 'idle'
          seconds: 2
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.radio_playing
        state: 'on'
      - service: script.radio_play


you’d need a trigger platform: template to be able to do a thing like that. Which makes it a bit more complex it you need the timing in there too…maybe easiest to do that with an extra binary_sensor for the player being idle, and then use that binary as entity_id in the trigger, so you can use the for: seconds like you do now.

you’d need the states of the states… nested template like:




what happens if you enter that in the dev-template?

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which automation is causing the issue?

Not sure, just copied the whole thing in as a package and it fails a check

well, that’s to be expected then… you do need to finetune according to your own entities etc of course

I did fine tune the entities… I’ll have another crack at it tomorrow when I’m in a better head space

well - this is very strange - when I move the automations to automations.yaml, they work, but don’t work in the package… argh! took me 4 hours to find - good thing I’m recovering from surgery and nothing better to do at the moment :slight_smile: