CHUNGHOP A\C Wifi remote support

I bought this A\C wifi remote at aliexpress

CHUNGHOP A\C wifi Remote )

The remote works great , the only problem is that there is some kind of bug with the A\C on-off status in the APP

And then it occurred to me, why do i need to control this remote throw a public server?
Who knows what this company does with my Wifi password?

Who do i need to talk to about adding support to this wifi remote on the Home Assistant platform?

Did you get any further with this integration?

Seems like a nice product. I’ll buy for sure if it has HA integration.

I just saw this product, looks awesome to avoid a confusing integration and to stop the wife getting confused when the remote says OFF 25deg but i’ve turned it ON and on 22 deg.

Hello all.
I bought this very promising remote control too.
I published some info here:

Do you know if a project has emerged to integrate this remote control into HASS?
Best regards

Hello, I also bought this remote control. It looks great to integrate it into smart home algorithms.

To investigate how it works I am trying to look into Android application sources. There are several requests to remote API. I am trying to reproduce it but unsuccessfully.

It looks like it’s using direct socket connection and sending binary data to launch commands. I can provide additional information about it. Does anybody can help me to investigate how it works?