CHUNGHOP K-390EW IR / WiFi remote control

Hello everyone.
I bought a CHUNGHOP IR / WiFi universal remote control (K-390EW) for my air conditioning, in the hope of being able to reprogram it with ESPHome.
I am very disappointed because I was hoping that the WiFi microcontroller would be from the ESP family but in fact it is a HF M300 LPT220-1.
Do you believe that integration into HASS is possible?
The project would be to make any air conditioning compatible via WiFi without going through the Chinese servers.
My air conditioning is already functional with a Broadlink RM3 mini, but if we could control the K-390EW remote control directly with HASS, there would always be HASS and the remote control synchronized.
Because today, if I control my air conditioning with the original remote control, HASS does not know it and if I control my air conditioning with HASS, my original remote control does not know it.
I think it’s a big project but I don’t have the technical skills to carry it out.
I hope to be clear because my English is very bad but the Google translation helps me a lot. :wink:
Thank you very much for your advice.
Best regards.
Bruno from France