
Hi, this card does not support templates in the entity field, right? Greetings and thank you

Very few cards support templating. If you’re into custom cards, just get one of the few templating custom cards that exist to template this card.

I’ve tried putting this card inside a decluttering card and it’s inside another decluttering card, but I haven’t had any luck

I think my problem is that I try to put the following as an entity:

[[[ var bri = Math.round(states['[[entity]]'].attributes.brightness / 2.55);
           return (bri ? bri : '0') + '%'; ]]] 

the easy option would be to create a template sensor for each light, but there are too many

Yes, you can’t do that. You have to use a card that allows you to template the circle-sensor-card. Not the decluttering card. A templating card.

Boss, any recommendations for the card?

I also recommend HACS so you can find these yourself

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Thanks, ill check them

I am having trouble with the color_stops setting. for some of my sensor it does not seem to be working. zwave temperature sensor and some other sensor I have. I am thinking because I need to convert the state into a real number or integer

add a unit of measurement. Also, make sure there is no text in your state.

I think my problem is my states have some text in them. I am not sure how to filter that other than make a new template sensor. I don’t really want to do that.

Can I use this , if so how does it work I can’t figure it out.


That’s your only option. Even if you use the template card, it still won’t work with the circle-sensor-card because the circle-sensor-card gets it’s information from the backend. If the backend is wrong, the circle sensor will not work properly.

Is it possible to set the max value dynamic? Maybe via template? I have situations where the max should be different.

this card has messed up since latest release of home assistant

Is this card still working for you guys since the update yesterday? My cards seem to be broken…

Found the issue: style seems to be a reqirement now.

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