I am trying to get the WiFi Smart Plug working on HA. I have got information that they are actually Broadlink devices, type: sp2. I can configure the IP address via Clas Ohlson Home app and I can control switch via CO Home app.
I get error Failed to connect to device after restart the HA. My configuration is very simple:
Anybody else knows how to get contact with the Clas Ohlson 38-8837? On the box it says (in fine print) “Model: SP4L-EU”. But broadlink platform seems to only mention sp1, sp2, sp3. I have tested with sp3. Also sc1. Cant find device. I see it in my router and have set correct ip number and mac address. Any ideas…anybody?
Recap: So in my case the problem was that the hardware support for broadlink was lagging. The Clas Ohlson Wifi Smart Plug I have is actually broadlink “SP4L-EU”. Now however, since probably around ~2020.12.x home assistant bumped its support for broadlink devices so now several new devices are supported. And suddenly it works flawlessly of course. I didn’t have to edit a single line in configuration.yaml. I just: