Cleaner way to get camera to fullscreen and better way to close out?

Edit: I “solved” it myself, but am open to suggestions if they involve not having to use a helper and an automation for each camera.

Original post:

I am trying to get the WAF here. In video below, it is a lot of clicks relatively speaking to get to a full view clive amera and then kinda diffcult to close it. Is there a better way to do this?

Optimally I would like that after I click on the view I want to see, the live view comes up full screen or nearly full screen automatically (in video I have to press full screen icon), and then it is easier to exit it (in video you can see I have to go out of fullscreen and then close it)

I was trying to get the camera to open up in a nearly fullscreen “bubble card” pop up cause then I can just click somewhere on the edges to close it, but the view wouldent go live.

I also have the browser mod popup to show my doorbell camera when doorbell is rung, and that works great. But that is accomplished through an automation. I think browser mod popup may work for these cameras too but I cant figure out how I would trigger it from a dashboard press.

On a tablet or mobile device, I just use pinch to zoom. It’s fairly intuitive since that’s how everything else on those devices works.

Is that not an option?

@exx just tried it, it doesnt work.

I think I found a way, its not the most straight forward but I am having a tap on the preview trigger a toggle to turn on. Then I made an automation that when that toggle turns on, it opens up a browser mod popup window at fullscreen. I was hoping there was a way I could do it all with dashboard yaml and not have to do an automation.

Heres how I currently solved it. There may be a more straight forward way, but this seems to work well. In case anyone stumbled on this post.

  1. Create a button helper. Need to make one for each camera.


  1. Create picture entity card with a tap action of pressing the button made in step 1.
      - show_state: false
        show_name: false
        camera_view: auto
        type: picture-entity
        entity: camera.backyward_wyze
        theme: Mushroom Square
          action: perform-action
            entity_id: input_button.camera_backyard_wyze
  1. Create an automation that when the button created in step 1 is pressed, it opens a custom mod popup window.
alias: "Camera: Open backyard wyze in popup on tablet"
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_button.camera_backyard_wyze
    to: null
    alias: Input_button is pressed
condition: []
  - action: browser_mod.popup
    metadata: {}
      dismissable: true
      size: fullscreen
      timeout: 30000
        camera_view: live
        type: picture-glance
        entities: []
        camera_image: camera.backyward_wyze
        - fd53b2f6e69086f422d0316735417ff3
      title: Backyard
mode: single

Heres it working in action.

Are you using the companion app? If so, you probably forgot to enable that option. Unless something has changed, it’s not enabled by default.