So I had a scrape sensor setup which was working just dandy, but after setting up some new sensors (unrelated) and restarting HA a bunch of times, I am guessing the site now considers me a bot. Has anyone experienced this? If so, is there someway to mark “i am not a bot”? (I know that defeats the purpose of the block)
I have tried running an SSH tunnel through HA to browse the site as “HA”, which works, but it doesn’t give me any block pages to mark that I am human. I have also tried serving the site in an iFrame in an HA card which doesn’t work as the site refuses to connect in an iFrame for security reasons.
When I attempt wget or curl from HA terminal, I get a 307 temp redirect and gathering the headers I can see it’s redirecting to the page that serves the “i’m not a bot” test.
Am I just SOL? Has anyone had this happen but then the block expire? Or is there a way to clear the previous scrape cookies/cache? I feel I have exhausted everything I can think of. Appreciate any thoughts or experiences.