Clear Theme Dark

Step 1: Make a repository on Github for it
Step 2: Read these:

Got this ready, just cannot test because I exceeded my github rate limit :smiley: . I will check that tomorrow again.

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Github has a rate limit? Wow! Whoda thunk?

Yeah, 60 API calls pr hour if not authenticated, and 5000 API calls pr hour if you are authenticated.

I got a token and all but I have issues with HACS therefore I tried restarting HA and it indexed from the beginning. Therefore I reached the limit.
I will open an issue.

If you want legible hyperlinks and dark header background, you can modify the theme as follows:

primary-color: ‘#363941

primary-color: ‘var(–text-medium-light-color)’

cch-background: ‘#363941

Unfortunately, the header backgrounds for the other side panel menu items are light colored.

Done. Just look for “Clear Theme Dark” in HACS. The background image will be installed automatically.


@naofireblade, Been traveling so just getting the chance to say Thanks!!

Nice looking theme. For your information, URLs in the standard markdown-card gets this dark color. Maybe set another default color for the theme.


Yep thats a known problem. The header color is the link color in Home Assistant :frowning: . Only way is to use the compact header plugin. Then u can apply this solution: Clear Theme Dark

Updated to v1.1 enable the colored switch background and grey knob again with HA 0.102

Question; how on earth do i change the line colours in the graph, if i change back to default theme the colours are different :frowning:

I have an issue with all my themes with a background image since release 0.99, but I haven’t received any help on the dedicated topic I created.
Basically, my theme is properly displayed when I access my HomeAssistant webpage, but after browsing between my different views and coming back to the first view, the background image disappears. I need to refresh the page so that it is displayed again.
I have not changed my configuration since 0.99, but I haven’t seen any breaking change. Has anyone noticed this problem before ?
Thanks for your help!

Hey @naofireblade,

With the recent hass updates, some items have become unreadable, like the top values in the config pages:

Any chance you can get around on adding those? It’s still usable, and I like this theme way more than those annoyances would drive me to search for another, but if you even find some time it’d be a great fix :slight_smile:

Yes I will update with a fix.

Updated to fix the not readable dark texts. You will need at least home assistant 0.103 for this.

Perfect, thanks for all your work!

Hey @naofireblade, in the latest version I noticed that the badge text had become a bit hard to read:


Because I figured I’ve been bothering you too much already :grimacing: I tried to mod it myself, and ended up adding this to your theme:

label-badge-text-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)'

Which made it much more readable, though perhaps a bit too bright:


It’ll do though, thought I’d let you know.

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I get the following on screen after installing the Home Assistant version 0.107.1 for the new media cards (redesigned in this new version)
Home Assistant 0.107.1 new media cards

When I revert to the default theme, we see:
Home Assistant 0.107.1 new media cards default theme


@evb: same here