CLI not starting! Jump to recover console...?

I’ve googled and searched this topic several times and I have yet to find a way to fix it or get into the “recovery console”. Somewhere in updating the macOS running on Mac mini and updating virtual box something to messed up and this is now all I get. I’m not afraid to just start a new build, but I want to know why this happened, and if/how to fix it? 95% of my house runs in Crestron and Josh.AI so it’s not the end of the world, but it bothers me I can’t find the answers.

Prior to the update I had HA running for about a year.

What is ‘this’?

The message that the CLI couldn’t start and to Jump to recovery console. I’ve tried just typing login into the console and it just loops back around to the same message eventually.

Loops back is not an error message. Tell us exactly what happens. Tell us what sort of install you have.

My install is Home Assistant Operating System for Virtual Box running on an Intel macMini running the latest macOS. When the VM boots the console runs through and loads until it lands at

Waiting for the Home Assistant CLI to be ready…

Shortly after it then displays in the console the same above message followed by

[WARN] Home Assistant CLI not starting! Jump into emergency console…

Typing in the login command just results in a repeat of the same messages and the HA CLI never starts.

Did you ever resolve this? I have the same setup. Upgraded MacOS and now getting that same error loop with the Home Assistant VM in virtual box.