CLI Time Stamp?

Hi All,

Can anyone tell me how to read the Error Line below that appears on the CLI of my x86 install.
I know in this particular instance, it is probably a backup attempt while my Samba Storage is off-line,
(As in my PC is sleeping).

But what about the first string?
I’m sure many month back I decoded it as a Valid Time Stamp.
Can’t seem to repeat that right now.

[1127904.524357] CIFS: VFS: \\ has not responded in 180 seconds home assistant

Am I correct that:-


is a time stamp and if so how do I decode it.



Looks like it is time only. So ignoring the date, 01:18:24 UTC

Should be the number of seconds since boot.

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So if it’s time Only, There’s no reference to the day it errored.

If it’s Uptime, With the Epoch Converter returning:-

Wed Jan 14 1970 11:18:24 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

So potentially 14 Days Uptime, which could be right.
Should easily be able to confirm it with a reboot & then the closure of the Share.

Did think I found a Valid converter, but maybe that recollection belongs with another Linux device.