Click timeline on card auto maximize

HI devs, i hope this is a good idea and people will love it!
I was using HA from years ago and rebuilding everything, i got ALOT almost perfect, i was wondering if we can open the card always wide like the 2nd pic if we press the timeline you see in the background of the first pic?

Or it might be possible already and i would love to see this on a uiltrawide screen.
Not sure how it would respons mobile then later.

Or… i never knew this was possible, with my fat fingers i pressed the bar 2 times and got the nicer view! maybe there is a color possibility in my custom css file but it also could be or a load function if the button timeline is pressed on the card behind.

Sorry englisch is not my native language, but im trying here to exactly what im trying to put in ur brains to be honest.

Have a nice day all! almost weekend!!!

Extra/EDIT: would also be nice to have it perhaps as a second or replacebale option to make rows a bit back like we used to use i withhvertical stacks, or add the possibility to add a header on top of each view so i can but a 4 or 5 columns wide row we can plakce on top, that would be even more awesome to be honest, but perhaps this is just the 2nd question i might to create a new thread of this edit but its late so ill pick uip this this weekend

Would be nice if the firs column can be spread on the top by either a banner or a vertical stack from left to right on widescreen: