I try to configure ClickSend to send a message to a cell number but without success.
My account was created on the ClickSend website and I have a user name and a key API. If I do a test of sending sms directly from the ClickSend platform, it works. But I can not do the same thing from the Home Assistant. I have to do something wrong.
I have been looking since this afternoon, but I can not find.
An idea ?
here is the automations.yaml file
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.everspring_unknown_type0001_id0003_sensor
from: ‘off’
to: ‘on’
service: notify.Alerte
message: ‘mouvement in the bedroom’
platform: clicksend
entity_id: binary_sensor.everspring_unknown_type0001_id0003_sensor
from: ‘off’
to: ‘on’
service: notify.ClickSend
message: ‘Mouvement in the bedroom’
Also, sending notifications in case of motion detection on my email (gmail) work fine. But as soon as I add the ClickSend part in the automations.yaml file, nothing works.
I checked the username and key API, everything looks good.
Try it like this, no need to specify the same trigger twice.
- alias: Bedroom Motion
- platform: state
to: 'on'
entity_id: binary_sensor.everspring_unknown_type0001_id0003_sensor
- service: notify.Alerte
message: mouvement in the bedroom
- service: notify.ClickSend
message: Mouvement in the bedroom
Hi Coolie1101,
Thank you for your help !
There is better and thanks to your code, my messages sent arrive on the platform ClickSend (I can see it in the history). But they still do not arrive on my cell. However, they are well marked as received from number xxx and sent on this same number … I tried to make a rule for the transfer but it still does not work.
I will contact the support, they should be able to help me for this part.
Thanks again for your code, it is clearer and shorter than mine and I learned something!
The only thing I can think of is, for US I’m using 1 before the 10 digit number which works instantly, if I don’t include the preceding 1, the messages are delayed, not sure how or if this applies to your scenario.
Yes, I tried that and other possibilities as +1xxx, (+1)xxx, 0033…, but nothing.
I have spoken with support of ClickSend and I’m waiting for their answerd.
I keep you in touch when I know more about this problem.
same problem like without option to sent email and ClickSend in lowercase.
Look at the picture, its an history from the ClickSend’s plateform. You can see that the sms arrive on it, and sent to a phone number. I think, the problem is not about the code but that the phone number where come from the sms is the same of the destinatary. I sent these sms from a Raspberry Pi 3, but not from my cellular number…
Peurhaps, it is about that.
Peurhaps, I have to try with another plateform to send an sms…
Hi oozman, and sorry for my late with my answerd. I tried with Pusbullet, Telgram and twilio, not with succes, beaucause not very clear and Telegram is so complicated to install it. ClickSend is the best of them (for what I want to do) and very simple to install. I created un new account on ClickSend platform, without any rules made by myself. The problem is always present. SMS arrive on the plateform Clicksend, I can see it and too send to my cellular number.From my number TO my number. The status is in green marked “Sent”. But nothing receive on my cellular phone. If I sens a quick SMS from Clicksend, with the same number, Its work well.
But, there is an error code 202 when you go to the sms’ information file…
I just received an answerd from technical support…
This message has been filtered by the networks as it does not originate from a pre-approved long virtual number. You can read more on country restrictions here:
I just went through the same ordeal. ClickSend will not allow a mobile number to be sent to itself (even though carriers allow it). From their help online:
Unfortunately you can’t use your own mobile number in the US/Canada. You can only set the sender id (from number) as a ClickSend number you’ve purchased.
Within HA, the clicksend platform only has a recipient number and the originating number cannot be specified. Unfortunately, the recipient number also seems to be used as the originating number with clicksend (even when the clicksend account is created with a different number).
Indeed, the only way to get around this is to buy one of their long virtual numbers … which is $5 / mth … which I’m not going to pay. Back to gmail and forwarding to my carrier’s SMS service.