ClickSend problem

I used ClickSend for ~6 months until it suddenly stopped working. I now… finally. found time to investigate… but I am not really getting anywhere.

I get this error in the hass log:
Error 500 : An error occurred while trying to process the SMS. Please contact support. (Code INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

The component is configured like this (and I have already tried to regerate the api-key):

      - name: ClickSend
        platform: clicksend    
        username: donaldduck
        api_key: xxxxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-aaaa-bbbbbbbbbbbb
        recipient: "+4512121212"

and in

    #Weekly i'm alive sms    
- action:
  - data:
      message: Im alive
    service: notify.ClickSend
  alias: Weekly alive message
  id: c
  - after: 00:00:00
    before: '23:59:59'
    - mon
    condition: time
  - at: '20:00:00'
    platform: time

I also tried to use the developer tool with notify.clicksend and "{“message”: “test message”} - with the same result…
Any ideas? Or directions to how I can diagnose it further?


Am I the only one who use this component? Or the only one who has problems?

Please follow the directions at the top of the page and format your code properly. The directions are contained in a link in the blue bar.

I have been in contact with ClickSend to find out if the error is on their side.
The guys there did an amazing job of investigating HomeAssistant and realized that someone broke the code and got it release with hass approximately 6 months ago. They fixed it and have summitted a fix to the main line.

His words: “Someone added a feature to allow for sending to multiple recipients at once which completely broke the integration” (Log says it was added 6 months ago so this would be why your’s suddenly stopped)

If it happens that I am not the only using clicksend, you can get the updated pyhton file for cicksend support here (I do not know how long the link will be active):

good to know. You went the extra mile on this. So the question is, does anything need to change on home assistant side?

The guy from ClickSend said he would submit the update so it can be included in the next update.
If you like I can help test it…?